MahaGathbandhan or MahaThugbandhan?

Thugs of Hindostan

MahaGathbandhan is defined by opposition parties as a front formed to check advances of BJP in country and to prevent BJP from getting second consecutive term. Their common minimum program can be summarized as Stop Modi, to Save existence of their parties, besides this they have no vision. No blueprint of policies to check corruptions, poverty and to boost development, just unverified allegations all-around.

It is evident from the fact that most party heads consider themselves suitable for PM’s chair, that this time it’s personal. With Congress severely weakened and Rahul Gandhi perceived as weak leader in Congress, all parties in MahaGathbandhan are now aspiring to take it’s space and rule the country even if it is at the cost of a Coalition of dozen party, and as we know Too many cooks spoil the broth, resultant will be total chaos.

Arvind Kejriwal one of the most ardent supporter of anarchy has again announced that this election is not about selecting a PM but to unseat Modi shows the nothing but fear which is created by PM Modi by his pro-development policies and clean politics. The trust of people in PMO at present is even more than the trust they have on Supreme Court or parliament, which has caused panic in the Opposition and they cannot provide any alternative or better vision and are resorting to fear mongering and fake news to create a distrust in public.

Mamata Banerjee who

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